Officially a young men. So this is how it feels. wow.
Thank you very much Mom and Sist for cooking the best 22th birthday cake ever. It really looks like Harry Potter's 11th birthday cake from hugrid, eventhough not in pink cream. I seriously love that cake and I love you more.
Thanks Dear & Bear for the heartwarming morning-message and for everything. Thanks sentrumers my coolest pal. Syukron my greatest akhiy and ukhty. Thanks TRF Boys for the Bday-Bukbar. and biggest thanks to all of you, my friends, who wish and pray for me in bbm, whatsapp, twitter, facebook, Instagram and here on the blog.
I'm so sorry for all of mistakes I have done during this 21 years. Let's hope I could be a better version of me, and will always going better.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ya teman-teman :)
Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik daripada tahun sbeelumnya. Amiin