Hi everyone! Before i tell you anything, let me introduce my self first.
My name is Izzue.
I'm made by Aul, from a piece of "Paseo" tissue...
My name, Izzue, is a modification of Issue >>>Tissue.
Whatta cute name, right?
Well, Aul -My creator- is an idiot student.
He also freak, but sometimes he's cool.
You know, he may confuse just because a little-not-important think. For
example: he confused 'boud costume, when he would show a traditional
dance for his group's last art practice exam. But finally, his friend
fixed it by borrowing a shirt.
Aul is a freak boy who love to laugh and smile. He also loves his friends, even sometimes they make him annoyed. Friendship is precious, he said.
He is idiot, but a lil bit of smart. He get an opportunity to enter a university with a special way (SNMPTN undangan / PMDK). He pick English faculty as a choice. Look at his not important expression, when he's showing his registration card. Let's wish him luck :)
This is his participant card. Well, he will face a school final exam next Monday, March 14 2011.
Let's wish him luck [again]. haha... :)
Maybe for the next few days he will rarely blogging because of his exam. But don't worry, he will read your comments, although he probably could not reply them immediately.
And next....
Upss!! Sorry Guys!I think Aul will abuse me more cruel if i don't stop my story soon... Ouch...
Sick, Aul...!!
Err, See Yaa!!
aaaaaaaaaaahhh Izzue unyuuuuu :3
BalasHapuskasian tau bg disiksa gitu >.<
hahaha.. kasiaan si izzuee. dicekik gitu.. lucu lucuu.. menceritakan diri sendiri lewat bantuan boneka. eh, Aul.. gak nyangka loh kamu masi SMA. haha. setau saya udah kuliahan gitu deh.
BalasHapusselamat menempuh UN yaa
but, it's nice story :P
wiiiii, teru teru bozuuu~
BalasHapusih, izzue-nya mentel
BalasHapushahahahaha :D
izzuue itu tisu yak... hehehe :D
BalasHapusHehe, udah bisa ditebak, Izzue dari kata tissue. :D
BalasHapus*kalo meeting belom dimulai, gak apa2 lah poto2 narsis... * :D
Eh kita tukeran link ya. ;)
Senyumku jelas menggambarkan semua rasa ini saat ku membaca postingan ini..
Wish u luck bang.. :)
dia resek sih, mo gimana...
aaaah boneka selucu dia gak bakalan resek deh
BalasHapuseniwei, bg aul suka makan kok gak gendut2 yak? *kuabooooorrrr*
ah ya bg aul ada pesan:
BalasHapus1. He take photos aturannya he took photos (past tense. krn kejadian nya uda berlalu)
2. who love to eat dan who love to laugh, love seharus nya menjadi loves (karena menceritakan orang ketiga tunggal)
3. a lil bit of smart lebih baik ditulis a bit smart (supaya gak rancu dan jadi kalimat yang aneh)
4. school final exam aturannya school final exams (emang ujian nya cuma sekali doang?
5. jerawat bhs inggris nya acne, bukan agne
p.s ini bunda ku yang nyuru nulis, kata nya klo mw jd guru bhs inggris harus ngerti grammar dan vocab yang bnyak (FYI, my mom is an english teacher). jadi ini bukan kata aku lho, aku cuma ngetikin doang >.<
@Bang yoga:
BalasHapusEnak aja...
Aul masih SMA tau. gak liat apa wajahnya unyu begini... malahan banyak yang ngira Aul masih smp lho.
tapi iya sih, penampilan Aul (temasuk di foto/gambar diri) emang kesannya tua. doyan pake kemeja-kemeja. Adek Aul aja bilang Aul tu kek bapak-bapak lho.
but that's what i call Fashionable...
BalasHapusThanks Patt...
BalasHapuswut's da meaning, Bang Devlind...??
iya juga ya...
keren kaan...??
@Bang Asop:
makasih bang :)
BalasHapusThanis ian...
salam buat bunda ya :)
iyaaaaa xD
BalasHapusberarti sebentar agi kakak mauk pisah ma temen"SMA nya,,dan akan menghadapi UN semoga UN nya lancar amin
BalasHapus@This is my own world:
BalasHapusmakasih :))
izzue nya lucu :)) jadi sekarang anda kuliah dimana?