Juni 19, 2010

This Week... :p


long time no write journal ( =diary)...
Absolutely everybody wait for my journal, right?
[emang penting ya?]

This semester is a great semester. I mean, this end of semester
[Yeah, I never seldom feel this semester great - remember this semester make me -pengen muntah- Yakkss]
Try to forget food [some of bad momments]...

~You know what?~
After the second semester examinations, I'm free...
I thin I can fly althought not too high. [really? hehe]
Just a joke.

there is "Class Meeting" at school since monday. One of the competition is singing contest. You know, I love to sing. but i didn't join the singing contest beacuse of one reason = I love to singing seriosa at the BATH ROOM ONLY, NOT ON THE STAGE...

For this week, I have going to Gramedia Book store to Read some books, And I must pay for the transportation.
While read books at Library is very exspensive = FREE $ haha...
And the special thing that i love from class meeting is I can read books as much as I want at the library, because everybodi prefer like to see the class meeting and there're no body there except me. Yummy!!
Can you imagine that?

Well, I'm writing my novel back...
now, I have write until Chapter 3...
I hope I can finish it.. ~Amin Ya Allah~
So that, i need to read so much book for digging any inspiration and ideas

Thats All for now....



4 komentar:

  1. suka nyanyi seriosa?! seriuuss?
    haha peacee :D

    bang Aul suka udah bikin puisi, bikin novel juga ya?
    woooww hebaat :O
    semoga novelnya cepet jadi ya! :)

  2. @ Shafira:

    Yup... suka banget nyanyi seriosa di kamar mandi... makanya Kalau bang Aul mandi orang rumah pada marah - Coz mandinya lama banget... haha...

    suka nulis2... iseng sih..
    Amin.. makasih banyak safira...

  3. haha aneh aneh aja deh :P
    hebat bisa suka seriosa :D

    wah bagus dong :)
    aku malah bikin cerpen aja ga bisa -_- hehe

    udah liat mention twitter belom?
    aku follow twitter bang Aul :D

  4. @ Shafira:

    udah sih...

    udah difolback juga tuh.,..
    trims yahh..


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