Yah... there are many reason why i can't post anything...
If i have online time, it was not too long... just for reply comments and messages... remaining times could not use for post anything... huhu...
The school problem (Much Homework, exercises, tasks, Test, etc you know what laa...), the house problem (Some work to do, job, etc) and any other make me so busy. You know, I hate bussines. But, what can I do?? I must do all of my bussines, or, I will have other problem... hoho...
Or, you miss something from my site...
Or etc...
From now, I'll try to take the time to be online much longer..
Hehe... And Get ready!! There are some surprise from me... for all of followers...
Yeah... I've been planning and preparing it some times ago...
As a reply because I am rarely online these days...
I promise, after this I will further improve the quality of my posts...
And then, when I log-in to my blog...
My great blog-friend, Riz Raharyan, Give me awards...
I actually feel less deserve it, considering the last few days I rarely open my blog...
But, Thanks alot, Riz!! hehe...
Here the award are:
Long time no post anything...
Yah... there are many reason why i can't post anything...
If i have online time, it was not too long... just for reply comments and messages... remaining times could not use for post anything... huhu...
The school problem (Much Homework, exercises, tasks, Test, etc you know what laa...), the house problem (Some work to do, job, etc) and any other make me so busy. You know, I hate bussines. But, what can I do?? I must do all of my bussines, or, I will have other problem... hoho...
So that, I'm sorry everyone...
If you long for my postingan, hoho...Or, you miss something from my site...
Or etc...
From now, I'll try to take the time to be online much longer..
Hehe... And Get ready!! There are some surprise from me... for all of followers...
Yeah... I've been planning and preparing it some times ago...
As a reply because I am rarely online these days...
I promise, after this I will further improve the quality of my posts...
And then, when I log-in to my blog...
My great blog-friend, Riz Raharyan, Give me awards...
I actually feel less deserve it, considering the last few days I rarely open my blog...
But, Thanks alot, Riz!! hehe...
Here the award are:
congratz for the awards :D
BalasHapusyou really deserve them all!
@ Puji-chan: yup... sama2...
BalasHapusSelamat yha....
@ Jessica :
BalasHapusThanks Jess...
By the way, I also give you award before...
Sorry, I forgot to confirm it to you...
You can take it...
Aslkm,,, AUL sorry kalo Awardnya nggak kepampang semua. Soalnya ada gambar yang nggak bisa kebuka 100%, jadi nggak lengkap ya...
BalasHapus@ Ujibour:
Tugasku hanya menerima dan menge-tag-kannya pada yang lain, JIB...
Yang di-Tag-in mau terima ato gak, mau ngepost ato gak, dan sebagainya udah jadi urusan yang di-tag-in, JIB...
Tak ada hubungannya sama yang ngasih lagi..
Makanya, jgn main pake Laptop, mana modemnya sederhana bgt...
jadi susah kan, mau ngeliat gambar aja...
BalasHapusambo koq ndak di tag?????
@ TAufik:
BalasHapusHAha... sori...
Abis ana pikir antum dah nggak nge-blog lagi...