September 22, 2014

The Sunshine Award

It's been a long time since my last time posting any award in this blog. So some days ago, my vietnamese blogger friend (but now he is in Australia), Huy told me that he nominated me for a blogger award. yay.
Rules are:
1.Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
3.Nominate 10-15 bloggers of your choice.
4.Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
5.Notify the bloggers on their blog.
6.Put the award button on your blog.

1. Thank you HUY!
2. Below
3. I nominate 13 bloggers who leave comment in my latest post
4. Below
5. Soon
6. Done. Above

And here are some questions from Huy for me:

1. What is your favourite pet?
If it is about the real pet, I love cat. They are smart and adorable. I have 3 cats in ma home. I also love owl but I never see the real one around me. But if it could be fantacy, I have so many favorite pet. I ever post about my favorite cartoon pet here.

2. What is a song that describes you?
I don't know. I don't even know how to describe me in a normal word. LOL.
Maybe: What The Hell - Avril Lavigne
3. What is the last movie you watched?
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret. Using my netbook.
4. What is your favourite tv show/series/drama?
 Almost all of programs on National Geographic Channel

5. What is an interesting fact about you?
I hate durian. Btw I just posted 20 facts about me in this photo on instagram. Have a look!
6. What is your favorite part of blogging?
Updating. and Blogwalking
7. What is something that keeps your spirits up?
Free Food

8. What would your superpower be?
Waterbending and Icebending

Dan ini lah pertanyaan saya untuk 13 blogger terpilih:
1. Kenapa kamu nge-blog?
2. Apa lagu kesukaan kamu dan kenapa kamu menyukainya?
3. Apa benda terakhir yang kamu beli?
4. Apa film terakhir yang kamu tonton?
5. Siapa penyanyi favorit kamu?
6. Siapa grup favorit kamu?
7. Apa rahasia terbesarmu yang belum pernah kamu sebutkan di blog?
8. Kalau ditakdirkan punya kekuatan super, kekuatan kamu kira-kira apa?
9. Pilih disukai seseorang atau menyukai seseorang? Alasannya?
10. Apakah kamu suka menulis?
11. Apakah kamu suka olahraga?
12. Kalau diminta mengingat sebuah nama dalam dua detik, nama siapa yang teringat olehmu?
13. Menurut kamu, si Aul itu orang yang bagaimana?

Selamat menjawab ^^

Picture Source : Google

22 komentar:

  1. kalau nomor 13 gue boleh jawab... Aul itu orangnya gahol dan narsis hihihi (foto instagramnya buaanyaak yeee boo :p)

  2. i'm glad you love free food. i love free food too :) haha

  3. Aul... maksudnya, aku harus jawab postingan ini? di mana? di tulis dikomentar ini jawabannya, atau di blog saya? *masih belum ngerti -_-

    1. Biasanya sih tag-tag sejenis ini dijawab di post.
      Kalau nggak jawab juga nggak masalah sih

      Just do it for fun.
      Don't do it if we aint fun ^^

  4. apa tu waterbending sama icebending? google translate pun tidak bisa menjawab -_-

    1. Pengendalian air dan pengendalian es kakak..
      Pasti nggak pernah nonton Avatara aang deh -.-

  5. Auuull kamu ga suka duren????
    Haddduuhh itu kan buah yang diekspor langsung dari surga..

    *Fans duren ngamuk

    1. Ampun nyai.
      Saya sukanya timun. Biar kata asalnya dari neraka wkwk

  6. Nggak apa-apa deh kena tag, udaah lama juga nggak main tag-tag-an aye... Hahaha

    1. Benerrr
      mainan blogger jaman dulu banget kan ini hehehe

      *terkenang masa muda*
      *merasa blogger tua*

  7. ehem, pantesan aku cegukan, ternyata kak aul manggil-manggil

  8. Trus The SunShine Award itu anugerah buat apa Aul?

  9. Udah dikerjain


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