September 01, 2014

Photo of The Day : Trying to Fly

Hello everyone.
Well, I'm currently obsessed with flying thingy. Birds.. dragonflies.. fireflies.. etc. And trying to fly (or in this case, trying to jump and shoot it by using phone camera) somehow become super fun for me lately. I might not called this photo as levitation coz the result was totally failed. It still looked like someone who was jumping, not flying. But yeah at least I already gave it a try (or some?) and creating this photos was a fun momment so who the hell cares about the result lol. I'm sorry this post is so random. I have no idea what to post right now and today is the deadline..

Levitation pose/Flying/ Jumping In front of sunset
My right hand... URGH! #Failed
Before the sunset
But not high enough to be called as flying.. ARGHH! #Failed

Talking about deadline, I finally create some deadlines for my self. In blogging, in writing, in working, and in joining so many competition (I joined a lot of competition lately since I have too much free time at home, lol). Another good news, after a long time finally there is an advertiser who emailed me for a collaboration, endorsement, plus a paid review in this blog (it has been some month since the last advertiser). Super excited to start! And btw I'm gonna apply for a new part time job too. wish me luck! Toowhit toowhoo!

#I'veToldYou #It'sARandomPost #FeelingSoProductive #ThisSemester #ILoveBeingBusy #TooMuchFreeTimeMakesMeLazy #HashTagFlood

15 komentar:

  1. Wuis, akhirnya setelah lo berguru sama Angry Bird, lo bisa juga ya terbang, luar biasa. Hebaaatt!! Tapi gw jadi ngeri nih, lo manusia apa bukan sih nih? :D

  2. wuiih...sakti bingit tuh adminnya...mau bisa terbang juga dong...:D

  3. Wkwkwk.. Sini aku jepretin, pasti bisa dapetnya yang loncat tinggi :P

  4. Wow, congrats on the paid review! So happy for you! :DD

  5. Foto yang kedua asik yak. Walopun gak teralalu low-angle, lompatnya ga terlalu tinggi juga, tapi efek shadow nya dapet. Sipp deh.
    Kalo foto levitasi di pantai emang susah. Pernah beberapa kali nyoba dan gagaaaaall, karena lokasinya ga datar, trus warnanya ga kontras ama warna kulit. Jadi ga terlalu keliatan deh batasnya -_-"

    labelin levitasi aja gapapa kok. hahaha

  6. hahaha fotonya terkesan kamu dipanggil ke nirwana.. :))

  7. Who cares about flying things... I'm so obsessed about your endorsement and paid for review... Bagi2 tips nya dong biar bisa gitu.

  8. bener kata atas ane... kereeennnnnn

  9. Baru dapet endorse sama paid review aja udah bangga.
    Gua aja ngasilin dari adsense sama banner iklan PPC udah puluhan dolar biasa-biasa aja tuhc!!

    1. Gini..
      Saya itu personal blogger. Yang menulis semacam diary dan share foto-foto pengalaman. Tipe blogger yang nge-blog murni karena hobi, karena kesenangan pribadi. My passion.

      Dan mencari uang lewat blog bukan orientasi saya. Tapi ya, saya nggak nolak juga kalau ada yang menawarkan kerjasama. Selama saya merasa "cocok" dan bentuk kerjasama nya nggak membebani saya serta masih memberikan efek kesenangan buat saya karena sekali lagi, saya nge-blog karena hobi.

      Kalau anda kan blogger pro (mungkin :p), yang emang nge-blog untuk mencari uang. Maybe copy paste artikel orang dari mana-mana, spambot kemana-mana, pasang banner iklan antah barantah yang gimana-gimana se-penuh mungkin atau paham aliran SEO.

      Ya jelas beda lah...

      Dan btw saya mah gak tertarik tuh, nge-blog kayak begitu.
      Bakal boring banget hidup saya :p

  10. siang mas ikutan nimbrung di sini ya kunjungan pertama salam yuli

  11. foto pertama, kaya arwah gentayangan hehehe


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