Hello everyone!
I just got some photos from the comittee of the ISO-OHSAS training lately. It was a special training for Public Health Student (Especially for my major: Occupational Safety and Environmental Health) held by my faculty. Pelatihan ini adalah salah satu (dari banyak) alasan kenapa saya sangat sibuk selama bulan november lalu dan tidak punya waktu nge-blog. hehe #SemacamKlarifikasi
I just got some photos from the comittee of the ISO-OHSAS training lately. It was a special training for Public Health Student (Especially for my major: Occupational Safety and Environmental Health) held by my faculty. Pelatihan ini adalah salah satu (dari banyak) alasan kenapa saya sangat sibuk selama bulan november lalu dan tidak punya waktu nge-blog. hehe #SemacamKlarifikasi
And then.. Let the photos speak..
The training session
Me (the left) as one of the best 5 participants
Got a backpack as the doorprize. wohoo
The boys in the class.
We're just like a gank and I'm just like the boss, don't you think? X)))
(I'm at the middle)
With the trainer
(I'm so happy now because I have many break time for blogging :)
See you in the next post!
Toowhit toowhoo!
Toowhit toowhoo!
backpacknya keren juga.. boleh tuh lempar sini buat aku. ehehe
BalasHapusgang boss! LOL. bitch please :P
BalasHapuscongrats for best 5!
you are handsome... hahahaha...
BalasHapusijin nyimak aja deh :D
BalasHapuspelatihannya sampai kapan sob? hehe
BalasHapusberarti sekarang gak ada alesan lagi buat gak ngeblog kan Ul ?? hahahahaha
BalasHapushadiah tasnya apik juga......boleh didong di kirim ke makassar :-)