April 20, 2013

Proud To Be A Personal Blogger

     Again and again. People asked me, "Are you a travel blogger?" or "Are you a photographer?" or something like, "I don't get any information from your blog. Why don't you share important things like news or knowledge or useful entries or bla.. bla.. bla.." or any other weird questions. Annoying. I'm tired to explain. I'm bored to re-write the same answer again and again. What the heck..

     Be smart people. This blog is a personal blog; A blog where I share everything, (mostly) like a diary and any other various posts. I'm free to write anything I want. There's no rule or law which said that I must write this or that. And the most important thing is I write on the blog as hobby, for FUN. Not for money, politics, alexa rank, google rank, visitors, popularity, etc. But if other personal bloggers want to write on the blog for money, politics, alexa rank, google rank, visitors, popularity, etc that's okay. As long as they get much fun. FUN.

      Back to the topic. I actually don't really care of what people think about my blog. But when people ask the same question again and again.. Oh please. Nobody would like that. So please read this:
     I'm not a news blogger, or backpacker/travel blogger, or photography blogger, or literature (sastra) blogger, or food blogger, or music blogger, or designer-blogger, or sketch blogger, or religion blogger or spam-blogger or something. Even though I sometimes write about news, travelling, photography, poems/story, food, music, design, sketch, religion, spam or something.

I'm a personal blogger. and I'm proud.
So stop asking.

     Anyway, I already write about me here and I already answer many frequently asked questions here. So if you want to ask something please read that first. And you can ask me new questions on in my ask.fm account or just send it to my email. And please, no question like "Are you a food blogger or somehing?"


27 komentar:

  1. heheheh kalo gak bisa baca gimana gan?

  2. hihi, calm down Aul..
    mungkin yang nanya nggak ngerti banget tentang dunia blog. Aku juga kalo ditanya gitu cuma senyum dan iya-in aja. hehe


  3. Sesama personal blogger...tos dulu donk, hahaha

  4. iya 2 bro
    personal blogger sama food blogger kan sama aja
    *ditonjok yang punya blog ini,hhehe

  5. Yes dari pic widgetnya aja sudah kutebak ini personal.. ^^

    kalau aku suka cari tulisan yg kusuka dari blog atau web lain, trus kupasang di blogku.. sedikit sekali yg ku tulis sendiri but its my hobby.. ^^

  6. Semua punya alasan sendiri" mau jadi blogger type apa... yang penting tetap enjoy nge'blog biar blog bisa jadi sarana hiburan dan refreshing pak :D
    #Kayaknya saya kebanyakan omong nih...

    1. saya setuju dengan komen yang ini. yang penting hepi dan bisa berekspresi kan ya Mas...

  7. sama dong, saya juga hanyalah personal blogger yang bercerita tentang kisah kehidupan yang kudengar, kulihat dan kurasakan...salam :-)

  8. Yeah thats the best thing about personal blog, one time you can be a photographer and post a lot of pics, next time you'll be put whatever happens today or so.
    Takdelah terikat dgn satu category je..

  9. personal blogger untuk kebebasan berekspresi. toss!

    hajarrr bleh! hha

  10. udah lama ga mampir sini.. makin kece deh tulisannya..

  11. i have the same reason about why i blog. I'm blogging not for money or alexa rank. I have a blog for my personal purpose. to share anything i want, to express who i am, and to tell my life.

  12. kenalan dulu sob biar tmbh asik hbhahahehed

  13. mine too..
    that's why i change my blog title

  14. aku pengin menghasilkan uang dari blog, sayang iklan blog sering ga islami

    jadi catatan r10 masih bebas iklan sampai skarang

  15. neither me.... the point is.... i always writing anything i want and i mostly understand... Hehehe


  16. :) kalau aku sih lebih suka sebut diriku "lifestyle" blogger, soalnya isinya tentang gaya hidup aku :)

  17. aku juga berpendapat sama, terserah mau nulis apa yang penting aku suka dan kira kira bermanfaat buat aku atau orang lain..

  18. Sama kayak gw dong, yg penting FUN. Tapi gw jg pngen sih dari ngeblog ada hasilnya, kayak buku.. :D

  19. kalo pertanyaannya diganti menjadi: bapak kamu blogger ya? soalnya kamu telah mempersonalkan hatiku,,, :))

  20. isi blog kita, cerminan kita sendiri secara langsung maupu tidak langsung

  21. hmmm... jujur aja dulu itu gw nge-blog rada takut gituh sama penghakiman orang dan akhirnya gw malah jadi malas nge-blog. Sekarang gw ngga peduli lagi orang mo ngomong apa. Itu blog gw sendiri, isinya juga tentang hidup gw sendiri, apa urusannya ama orang lain? Makanya sekarang gw jadi agak rajin nge-blog hahaha.

    Yang penting mah gimana maunya kamu sendiri aja.

  22. whats been up :) http://itsyaboykorki.blogspot.com/

  23. yesss, saya juga bangga jadi personal blogger ^^

  24. Sudah lama jadi pembaca, pengen nulis tapi bingung mau nulis apaan.

    Daan. Sepertinya menjadi personal blogger asik juga nih.

    Boleh dicoba. Sapa tau rezeki ane ada di blogging. :D


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