Well, Hi.
Saying "busy" as the reason for the lack of post must be boring for you, right? But that's the truth. I'm busy. always busy. lol. So please calm your self down when reading this, okay? The blog post must go on ;)
Some days ago, Oddie, Nando, Dirga and I visited Adityawarman Museum which is located at Jl. Diponegoro, Padang (Not really far from my campus). Actually our main purpose was to visit the park around the museum (maybe it's one of the cleanest park in the city) after campus time and then having meal in the KFC near the park. But seeing museum objects would not be bad, we thought. Here are some photos..
Oddie, Nando and Dirga seeing objects in the museum
Replica of some typical minangkabau food.
This made me hungry. Mirip aslinya kan?
Sulaman & Batik from Minangkabau traditional culture.
Can be found at Minangkabau culture only.
Spontaneously, we got an idea to take photos in front of the museum building.
Nando decided to be the photographer only coz he's too fat to jump (Peace bro!)
Well, we tried to take some levitation photos, but FAILED.
Foto-foto yang sudah jadi kurang mirip foto levitasi.
Tetap mirip orang melompat hahahaha..
Foto-foto yang sudah jadi kurang mirip foto levitasi.
Tetap mirip orang melompat hahahaha..
But you know...
It's not about the result. It's about the process!
It was sooo fun to jump together and pose.
It feels like back to the childhood.
Dirga, Me, and Oddie
I'm the boy who jump in the middle.
Saya yang di tengah
Jump and Jump and Jump again.
A drama. LOL
Oddie is expert in jump.
He always jump very high. The highest.
Today's Quote
"Jumping and posing will make you feel younger." -Aul howler-
That's all for now.
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo!!
Toowhit Toowhoo!!
Hai, gimana kabar? Lama nggak kesini...
BalasHapusAku kira itu menara eiffel, haha...
keren banget looh foto levitasinya, jarang ada orang yang bisa pose levitasi seperti itu
Lama tak berkunjung ke blog ini. Aul tinggal di padang ya? dekat donk kota kita hehe
BalasHapuslevitasinya bagus kok
BalasHapuswah efek fotonya itu keren bikinnya
BalasHapusWakakak. gile kok ujung2nya kayak film Jaka tarub gitu.. :D
BalasHapusPas libur kmren jga mw ksana..
ehh, pas prgi malah tutup, jdi mls keluar rumah deh..
aaaaaaaa! aul curang :D
Replica of some typical minangkabau food.
BalasHapusThis made me hungry. <--- Wait wait, ada puding ya? Puding masuk makanan tradisional Minang bukan ya? #eh :D
Suka deh yang pose melayang itu, yang tengah ganteng, kenalin dong :D Hehehe *senyum elegan*
Wouw, . What a wonderful day Aul!!
BalasHapusI've never visited Padang, but truly I was dreaming 'bout visit there when I read en saw 'ur posting. It looks amazing for visiting!
What a pity I'm, Padang is not near from here.
But, thank you b'cz u've given me an experience, although just on that posting.
Nice to meet u...
Let's visit my blog!
sooo fun Aul!
BalasHapusI love go to museum too, but I dont have enough time.
the replica is so real! wanna try some :9
the levitation photos are cool! I like two last photos, so unique!
jalan jalan terus kak, seruuuuu kali ~:) *envy :p
BalasHapusfoto fotonya bisaan deh wihihi, keren ^^
jadi mau jalan-jalan liburan kuliah, tp apa daya kantong & atm tak sampai, mending jalan-jalan yang deket aja dah, kaya perpus UI,heheh
BalasHapuskoleksinya musiumnya kok kebanyakan hanya foto dan tulisan saja ya,
BalasHapusbtw-fotonya itu keren kawan....luarbiasa :)
the museum looks interesting! good to know some culture and history
BalasHapusand that jumping photos are woww
style frontier
waha, lo alasannya sibuk mulu.. hueheh
BalasHapusseru ye jalan"nya..
Itu replika makanan minangkabaunya mirip banget ya, gue kira makanan beneran
tunggu tunggu.. saya kok lompat2 gak berasa lebih muda, malah sakit neh kaki.
BalasHapusaccidentally, and out of your mind, you've told about your country, boy.... greaaat.... :D
BalasHapusHahahaha! Younger. I love that word.
BalasHapusLove it!
thank you for your comment.
BalasHapuswowo visiting museum?
great, jarang anak muda sekarang yang mau ke museum..
heuheuheu... dah lama gak ke musium nih...
BalasHapusseru nih ke museum, aku seneng banget lihat benda2 bersejarah :) fotonya bagus :)
BalasHapuswaaah sayang sekali
BalasHapuskemaren gak sempat ke museum ini
di padang, ada kebun binatang gak Om???