Hello everyone. Hello my normal days. Yes people. I've went on to study on campus again, as usual. Kinda annoying, I think. But it's not a big problem anymore. I'll be able to handle it well. And everything will be better. right? :)
At the last day of holiday, I finally decided to go to the beach: Enjoying the remnants of happiness by as much as possible without being missed. I [don't know why] always love beach. forever? Perhaps. Especially if the beach is not dirty. hehe.
I wore my Batman-blue-Tshirt, sleeveless jacket, Eiger sandals, silver guitar necklace.
I also wore Daddy's old black glasses because it was a very hot and dazzled afternoon.
So sorry for not-really-good-quality-photos. I only have a mobile for taking photos. Just wish someday there will be a miracle happens. a camera fall down from the sky in front of my home. hehehe :)
Have a great normal days, everyone.
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo..!
foto nya keren,,,,,,,
BalasHapuspasir yang difoto bekas apaan??? :-D
fto2nya keren :)
BalasHapusYes...I like blue color, But I'm not Blue. Moreover blue movie. (LOL) Hehehehe
BalasHapuswow biru man....
BalasHapushari terakhir libur? Gua malah baru mau mulai, 2 bulan lagi. Aowkwkwkwok
BalasHapusMantap kaka lautnya.
BalasHapusapa lagi kalau ditemenin someone tuh.
kan bisa ikut cuci mata sy.hha
itu fotonya pas rapat kemaren kah? bajunya sama u.u
BalasHapussuit suiit.. gaya bener deh aah. keren si aul ini, tapi gayanya nggak berubah ya.. hahahaha..
akhirnya kamu bisa liburan juga!
Wuuuww, pantainya keren!!
BalasHapusDmna tu??
nice photos! i like the Batman shirt. :p and wouldn't the camera break if it fell out of the sky?? LOL
BalasHapusWalaaah narsisnyaaa :D :D
BalasHapussejauh mata memandang biru biru hehe
BalasHapuspantainya kereeeeeeen :O
BalasHapuspantai padangkah? kok bagusan disini ya kak, hehehe
BalasHapusSawahnya keren... LOL
BalasHapusNice post,.
BalasHapusyour holiday is good,..
i hv follow you,.. ^_^
folback me please,. ^_^
kayaknya lebih bagus kalo lu lebih ngeksplor foto2 alamnya deh ketimbang wajah lu doang. :P
BalasHapusYeah, fashion time! :D
BalasHapusbang, fotonya dimana tuhh? keren deh XD
BalasHapuskeren fotonya... apalagi lautnya... heheheh
BalasHapussalam kenal ya mas :)
hahahahaha, bener2 narsis lu ya UL.. dhe kirain bakal pamer foto pantai yang menggoda iman gimna gitu.. eladalah, kok malah kamu yang mendominasi.. :)) dhe masih kalah narsis rupanya, mesti berguru dengan aUL dulu nih..
BalasHapusgreat photos... and your dad vintage aviator are really timeless item...
BalasHapusHei Echa!
fotonya lumayan bagus... apalagi kondisi awannya cerah dan mendukung
BalasHapusThank you so much for the beautiful compliments!
BalasHapusWe love your blog as well, great pictures and cute lay-out!
See you, Nino & Christophe