Oktober 24, 2011

I Just Woke Up! Hoaahhmm,,,,

Hello everyone!
(everyone = Muggles + My neighbors + Readers + Blogwalkers)
I just woke up from a loong hibernation. And how are you? Still in the same hole, waiting for me? Hehe

Finally mid semester exams are over. Call me "Alay" if you want, But I think that  two weeks for exams is sucks. annoying. tiring. boring. If I were really a wizard, I would customize the time by my wand and spells. So that I have a very short time for exams anda a looong time for fun. LOL

Could you see our full-of-relief faces after exams? (me at right :)

Sudah lama sekali saya tak menyentuh blog ini. Apa sudah banyak debu? sarang laba-laba? Berapa pesan yang belum saya baca dan balas? Berapa followers yang belum saya follow back?
Dan Oh.. saya juga sudah lama tak meng-update majalah online AOmagz. Bagaimana kabarnya?
Ya ampun ada begitu banyak hal yang harus saya lakukan sekarang.
Tapi inilah kesenangan blogging! :)

Yupp... I'll be blogging almost 5 days perweek since now.

Oh, Btw some kind neighbors gimme awards. Thank you...!

From amazing illustrator, Della

From cool writer, Ami Tokugawa

A question is tagged with the second award from ami,
"Apa pengalamanmu yang paling berkesan di tahun ini?"

There're so many memorable things. But I can conclude them in a sentence,
"Being an EIGHTEEN!"

All of you are allowed to collect this awards too...!
Because there's no rule or instruction to give it for some bloggers only. It's available for everyone. So, just grab this if you want. free! Enjoy :)

See you in the next post!
~Toowhit Toowhoo...!!~

16 komentar:

  1. woaaaaaaaa, so long not come here.
    Anyway, midtes is fun if you take it in an easy way. We know our knowledge also ability during every meetings with our lectures from midtest and final test. But, it's not fair for some reasons (LOL)

    Congratz for the award and welcome back Aul...happy blogging ^^

  2. (komen Pake Bhs Indo aja, gak pinter Inggris gue)

    Selamat ujiannya telah selesai. Sekarang liburan dan senang-senang. Welcome back to the Jugle. Ayo tulis pengalaman kamu yang lucu dan unik. Tetap semangat ya.

  3. I'm not in the same hole anymore Aul, I'm growing, the hole wasn't big enough to me LOL :P

    kamu kok pake hitam-putih gitu ? apa karena masih MABA atau wajib hitam-putih pas ujian ?

  4. cieee cieee...
    (bingung mau komen apa lagi)


    Auul... drop here just wanna say sorry. lama banget nggak mampir dimari, ketinggalan banyak ceritanya..

    maklum, kesibukan di dunia nyata :)

  5. selamat "lega sehabis ujian" kalau gitu, hehehe.

  6. Wahaha, fotonya sumringah bangettttt...
    kaya baru lepas dari cobaan maha berat. EHehe. Welcome , Ullll

  7. --__--" diajarn blog sma mas aul

  8. widihhhhhh, udah siuman loe? hahahahahaa.... blog loe bukan lagi banyak sarang laba2nya, tapi banyak curut, kecoa, ketombe, ama jamur tumbuh dimana2, wakakakakaka

    welcome back then

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. kunjungan pertama.

    salam kenal yah

    nice blog.

    berkunjung kembali yah, di follow jangan lupa trus jangan lupa berkunjung ke http://youtu.be/VyDP2_bjPwo


  11. dropping for a while and drinking a frap


    one question please, (jadi berasa ngewawancarain orang)

    kalo kuliah tahun 1 emang harus pake baju putih item? atau pas ujian aja?

  12. Eh iya,saya nanya hal yang sama si tiara.
    kok pakai seragam putih hitam kayak mau ngelamar kerja bro ?
    nasib maba yak ?
    Good luck :)

  13. aul, yes im, this is officially my personal blog.

    my pleasure dude.

    fai is a bandit? really? hahahahahahahaaaa

    but i think he is nice guy i ever see before, hahahahahahaha

  14. ahirnya neh home rameh lagi...
    #main masuk rumahna aul-buka kulkas-cari oreo,ultra,ikan asin, en so on en so on :p

    welkombekhom broda


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For private comments or questions just send me email to Aulhowler@yahoo.com

Thank you :)