September 13, 2011

Me and My Boyband

      STOP! I'm not telling you that I was recruited to real boybands as we could see on TV lately. No, peeps. No! I was just recruited to be a member of a boyband in ma faculty. For performing in "Public Health Day Celebration" event. That's why I couldnot blogging for about 5 days. There were many training-schedules. Grrr...

Anyway, we (Me and my boyband) mixed the songs below for our performance...

Bonamana - super Junior

Keramat - H. rhoma Irama

Ring Ding Dong - SHINee

Baby - Justin Bieber

*we also mix some funny+cool short musics for transition, such as:
"Dono-Kasino-Indro soundtrack", "Mission Impossible Soundtrack", "Police Alert", etc*

And, unfortunately...
I could not take pics when I was performing on the stage. I was dancing, singing (lipsync) and acting, right? But someone accepted when I asked him to take our pics after performing, outside of building (in terrace). Unlucky (again), some seniors were excited to pose between us. Made us look Uncool...!! Euh... :(

We gave our best to everyone.
We were happy to see them excited.
And we were happy to hear their screaming, "GYAAAA...! <3"
made us energic :D

I'm sorry for too late, replying your comments and visiting back your blogs. But trust me I'll do. eventhough not on time (u,u) hehehe...

Toowhit Toowhoo...!

20 komentar:

  1. Rhoma Irama di-mix sama Suju & JB?
    Halah, bakalan kaya apa tu jadinya, Ul? :D

  2. serius neh Aul ngemix lagu2 di atas barengan boybandnya??? hwaaaaaaaa, kaya apa tuh jadinya >.<

  3. aaasiik keren banget nih Aul jadi anggota boyband, mungkin aja ada produser yang terkenal cihui siap2 terkenal deh :P

    iya nih pengen denger itu lagu disatuin :P

  4. wow, reallyy??
    btw, i like fly high from shinee. it's a soundtrack for my favorite dorama "princess prosecutor"

  5. Wow. Boyband Aul anggotanya banyak banget. :D

  6. ha gimana jadinya tuh aul?kok ga direkam sih.. pengen liat huhu

  7. Bang.. masih ada file lagunya ga? Coba diupload ke 4shared laaaa.. aku pengen dengar.. kok Bonamana bsa dimix dangdut sma JB ya? O_O"

    Anw, coba abang telusuri spa tau ada secret admirer saat itu yang ternyata dengan sengaja ada ngerekam abang dgn ponselnya saat perform.. atau abang bisa coba tampil lagi dengan mereka disuatu tempat, nanti direkam dan diedit hingga jadi kayak MV gitu.. Upload deh ke Youtube :D

    Nah pertanyaan sayaaa..
    Nama boyband abang apa?
    Siapa yang ngedit tuh lagu?
    dan siapa nih koreograpernya?
    Penasaran Tingkat Tinggi nih saya.. :D

  8. coooool. nice songs. kpop ftw! ^^

  9. AUUUL.. ba'a kabarmu dek?
    maaf ya udah lama gak main ke tempat Aul,
    sungguh terkejut sampai ingin dilarikan ke ICU gitu tau Aul ikutan Boyband..!

  10. Aiiiih si aul udah kena virus boyband. mending bikin girlband aja.

  11. Hi salam kenal aja ya..sambil cari teman jga hehe.

    Btw gimana tu bwt headerrnya bagus banget ...
    trus bagaimn bwt kursor mnjd kayak pena trus templatesnya..

    Tlong dbantu yaa trim's ^_^

  12. hahaha
    ternyata virus boyband udah merajalela sekarang :D

    salam kenal aul :)

  13. AAAAAH maunya di rekam trus masukin youtube~~~~~ ahhaah adek pengen liaaat, wkwk

  14. Setuju ama rizki tuh, youtubenya dooooong ;)

  15. Hahahaha :D kocak! But I'm an ELF btw ^^

    Karina Dinda R. ♥

  16. KEREEEEEN.pasti lagunya mirip kaya lagu kebangsaan zimbabwe entar.btw bang aul..postnya pake bahasa manusia doong.gue jadi kudu berubah bentuk jadi bule dulu nih

  17. wah seru pastinya
    aku mau dong gratisannya..hehhe
    salam persahabatan

  18. oh jadi kehidupan kuliah diawali dengan penampilan sbg boyband? hmmm, nampaknya akan keterusan ke dunia nyata ya. hahahaha. good luck for the campus life!!!!


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