September 06, 2011

Hi My Normal Life!

Yes, people. I am saying Hi to my normal life. I still cannot believe that a week for my holiday is over. I was trying to take a breath when Mom said, "It's time to go study at campus!" Arrrgghh...!
Hei, long time no "Narsis". Whut about some fashion attack?  :)

 Old shirt, old Cocky jeans (mine when I was 13) after modified,
got 'em from the bottom side of closet
Ge'er comiks white T-shirt, unbranded bracelets, eS shoes, my brother's school bag

       You know what? My normal life is boring, coz I have to study at campus all day long and lost all of cool TV programs, and then I have to sleep all night long. Study-sleep-study-sleep-study-sleep. Boring right? Well, I have a little time to break between my 'study-sleep' schedule. but it's not enough for me, an idiot who wish all days is Sunday. But.....

But... Lucky! Finally our schedule is re-arranged! We only have 2 subjects per day. Eventhough we won't get holiday at saturday, I think it's enough, at least for a while. I just wish it's not getting worst. Amen :)

See-Yaa in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo...!!

36 komentar:

  1. awal2 ngampus masih modis bangeeet.... tapi ntar semester2 berikut, udah ga modis. apalagi kalo IPnya dibawah 3 ato 2. percaya deh! ini pernah gw alami setelah liat kehidupannya temen2 gw. :D

  2. are u sure?? nothing interesting at campus??? oh come on, u can get other actifity besides sleep-study-sleep-study at campus if u want... why not you try?? ^^
    (aduwh, b.ingg gue bejelibet) hehehe,,, #shame

  3. udah keliling kampus bang? :O
    pengen nyoba kuliah gimana XD

  4. aku pikir kamu bakal jadi designer juga ...haha, baca postingan yang ini jadi inget blognya Pramudita Puspita, hhe.

  5. ahhhhhhh outfitnya keramean,

    met idul fitri, minal aidzin walfaidzin


    nomer rekening berapa berapa berapa berapa?

  6. Aul ak naksir t-shirt kamu :D
    klo kamu cemberut kamu keliatan lebih tua loh, klo senyum awet muda :D

  7. Haha.. iya bang.. you look so younger in that photoes xD
    Makin ga nahan deh fashion attacknya ^^d

    Waduh.. Hmm.. bentar lgi aku juga bkalan kyak gtu kali ya? Dag dig dug-an deh jadinya..

    Anw, bocoron ketjil nih.. Saya masih libuuuur~
    Mwahahaha *laughproudly*

  8. Sukses ya, kuliahnya. :)

    Enak banget cuma dua makul sehari.... :D

  9. wiiih aul join CAKEP dah! emg fashionista ya lowiiih aul join CAKEP dah! emg fashionista ya lo

  10. emang jadi situs referensi fashion.. saya juga suka buka, terutama banyak referensi buat orang dengan badan kurus dan im-proporsional kek saya..

    gaya kamu Ul, kereeen.. kasih jempol dulu deh..

    cuman kalo bole sedikit komen, jeans-nya bagusan yang polos atau yang ornamennya dikit.. tuh kaos daleman kan dah rame, jadi makin padet keliataannya..

    atau.. make t-shirt warna putih polos aja, looks cooler!. coba deh?

    betewe, lama bener deh aah saya ngga mampir sini. Sekalian mumpung masih suasana idul fitri, mohon maaf lahir batin kalo selama ini banyak salah-salah komen dan tindakan yang tidak menyenangkan ^_^

  11. Selamat datang kembali di dunia perblogan

    Awal2 kuliah masih semangat nih...semoga semangatnya tidak kendur dimakan waktu yaaa...hehehe

  12. wkwkwk, selamat datang di dunia penuh perjuangan!
    aku jga makin sibuk urusan kampus jarang update blog, hehehe,

    tetep semangat bro! aku bantu doa dari jauh :D

  13. Dianirikasari nih anak buahnya buahaha B)

  14. My holiday week is over, back to college, I call it 'back to the reality', sigh.. Good luck! ;)

    Karina Dinda R. ♥

  15. akhir nya bang Aul make sepatu!

    hahahaha sebuah perubahan!

    anyhow, aku pengen tuh sehari cuma dua mapel =.=
    dibanding sekarang 5 mapel per hari =____=

  16. hahaha selamat ya aul, liburan aku masih seminggu nih ngampusnya mulai besok senin.. anyway ghawwl abiessss deh kamu haha semangat ya aul :D

  17. very creative to modify the old outfit!!

  18. hahahahaha kreatif amat sih kamu.. :D
    tapi sejujurnya, secara pribadi aku gak terlalu suka liat cowok suka fashion ampe sebegitunya. eng... gapapa sih. cuman cowok simple itu tetep juara! juaranya hati perempuan. hihihihi :D

  19. weleh, makin lama bakalan makin kerasa beban jadi mahasiswanya tu Ul :D

  20. what did u modify from your shorts? :)

  21. aduh dek, mau ngampus aja kayak mau jalan di catwalk hihi. ati2 banyak cewe yg ngincer kamu itu :p

  22. hi5! we're both studying! well, kind of. :D

  23. eaaaaa.... yang udh jadi mahasiswa..
    but realy.. u look like 13 lol

  24. I like the Boss Bracelet

    Besos Chipless by Dave Vuitton
    New Post:Rock Star de Tachuelas y Cuero

  25. i wonder who's taking your picture? i'm a girl so my parent (especially) my dad love to taking my pictures, even when i'm not in the mood, lol. i have one brother, he's around my age, and my parents didn't treat him as they're treat me (except for some ID card or school stuff ya, hehehe).
    so tell me who is he/she, aul? is that you parents? siblings? friends... or... a tripod? lol.
    (i'm sorry for my curiosity)

  26. lol you're 18? You do look very young in the pictures..nice look..

    Peace! ~Angel

  27. setuju sama salah satu komentar di atas,,, outfit nya keramean :( gpp kan?!?!?

  28. heya Aul! missed ya too!
    You look cool! I hyped you on LB, though i didn't get on there for sooo long because i have no time and no new outfits!

    what is Senpai ? hahaha i don't understand!
    visit me if you want!

  29. AAAA!!! Kaosnya bang!!! MAAAU!!!! ada gambar2 anime2nya waaaa!! *hebohsendiri*

    eh iya, komen bang aul yang terakhir di blognya adek bener2 membantu lho bang :D makasih ya ide masukannya :D

  30. you look fresh... hahaha, long time no see... -,-'

  31. jiaaaa
    gaya anak muda banget ul :D


  32. It's cool fashion. Welcome to college.


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