Hi everyone...
I want to try using english now. [I hope I can do it properly]
I do not know what happened. Suddenly there is a fall in this chest. What fall?
I do not know ... I told you
Just imagine the leaves that fall from its branches in the fall. that's what I feel now.
The feeling is beautiful. No no, this is not love or romance. This is not heartbreak or disappointment. It's like feeling that I don't know what's the name, but it feels like falling leaves in autumn.
Yes, indeed little weird.
I want to try using english now. [I hope I can do it properly]
I do not know what happened. Suddenly there is a fall in this chest. What fall?
I do not know ... I told you
Just imagine the leaves that fall from its branches in the fall. that's what I feel now.
The feeling is beautiful. No no, this is not love or romance. This is not heartbreak or disappointment. It's like feeling that I don't know what's the name, but it feels like falling leaves in autumn.
Yes, indeed little weird.
is there called love??
BalasHapus#gak tau soalnya belon pernah ngerasain :P
cuidder paan aul?? :D
maybe. but i don't think so.
thanks 4 coming bang yoga :))
@ Dwi whayu:
twitter bang Arif, maksut nya :)
BalasHapusboleh sya coba2 mngkoreksi english nya? ^^v
Yg "What happened" krn msih brhubungan rsa itu dgn msa skrang bknkah sbaiknya "What had happened"?
"Just imagine the leaves that fall from its branches in the fall. that's what I feel now."
kta "in the fall" kyknya kurang prlu dipake krn udh djlasin "that fall from branches". Sedangkan utk noun clauses "what i feel now" mngkin bsa distop smpe "what i feel" atau tmbahkan mnjadi "what i'm feeling" klo mw di ikuti kta "now"..
Kpanjangan ya koreksinya? :D
Sya jg msih bljar, so CMIIW.. :)
Btw editan ftonya keren bang..
yg di edit maupun yg di dlm fto.. kkkk :D
wuhuuu... didadamu ada daun guguran bang? padahal musim hujan... *apaan*
BalasHapusautumn?? wkwkwkwk.., bhs inggrisQ in this semester, i will ngulang, dolo yang pertama dapet C trus dapet B moga dengan ngulang Q dapet A...
BalasHapusMemperdalam lagi biar lebih ngerti n memperbanyak kosa kata seperti autumn... hehehehehe.....
"in the fall" sama "what i feel" itu udah diedit lho pas ngepost. Kok masih gitu juga. aneh deh. Bawaan buru-buru kali tuh, coz kemarin nge-post di warnet.
[ketahuan kalo pulsa modem abis main nya ke warnet. dasar. hehe]
Kalo yang "what happened" tu bang Aul ngaku salah deh.
Gak tau kenapa ya, sejak dulu sampai sekarang punya masalah sama tensis. Kalo udah pake "had" atau "have" atau "beeing" atau "been" itu sumpah amburadul.
biar kata english bg Aul terbaik di kelas (pamer) tetep aja masalah sama tensis itu gangguan besar. Ah, mesti ikut les aja kek nya. hihi
Padahal niatan masuk fakultas bhs inggris lho.
parah ya.
Btw makasih koreksi nya tuan Hamadzi.
Teliti banget ternyata. padahal itu udah 3 hari lho, belum ada yg protes. gyaha.
@bang aul:
BalasHapusIya.. sya pun mngertinya krn pernah les smpe lvl Intermediate 1(bales pamer :D), jadi dasar2 english insyaallah dah dapetlah..
Tp klo sya speaking smua rambu2 tenses bisa bablas.. kkkk ^^
kta gru bhs inggris sya, utk mahir english tdak hrs les, tapi klo les hrs jd mahir english*loh?
Insyaallah bisa masuk kok..
keep on trying bang :)
Aduh knp sya dpanggil tuan..
Kan tetanggaan.. ^^a
Mungkin ga ada yg protes sangking terpesonanya sama fto yg dsampingnya.. Ahay.. ^^
Halah, kirain lgi sakit, hatinya rontok gt
Bsaha inggrisnya dah mayan
aku ubah dkit y, hahah, ni cman opini lho, g tentu bner jg.
"The feeling is beautiful. No no, this is not love or romance. This is not heartbreak or disappointment. It's like feeling that I don't know what's the name, but it feels like falling leaves in autumn.
"The feeling is indeed beautiful. But it's not love or romance. It's not heartbreak or dissapointment either. It's the feeling that i've never experience before, but it feels like leaves falling in the autumn."
Ohoho, itu cuma versiku y, artinya msih sama koq
keep learning aul :D
Autumn at Bandung City...
BalasHapuscoz emang kek' musim gugur di sini ul, ujan daun smw hihi
maap br nongol, biasa suka amnesia msih punya blog kk wkwk
BalasHapusmkasih tetangga-tetangga yang baik...